Monday, September 1, 2008

Drawing Winner!

Congratulations to Jennifer C. for winning the drawing for the Free Chocolate!!  Thank you to everyone who entered, and check back as we plan to have more contests in the future.  

Fall is here! We have lots of chocolates to complement the season, and for those of you looking for the perfect Halloween accessories, check out our Ghosts, Spiders, Cats and Bats!!!


Anonymous said...

These look delicious!


These "Stained Glass Flower" chocolates would be lovely strewn out across a holiday table, a shower, or tea party!
I once threw a baby shower for a friend who add been craving chocolate. The entire table down the center of the room covered in chocolates!..every kind, every color! ...even chocolate-tinis, and chocolattes. I handed out big "thank you" to-go/cake boxes and made them all fill up for the family waiting for their return.
Boy! ..I wish I had these then.